A token economy system is used as reinforcement for targeted behavior in which tokens are administered and then exchanged for back-up reinforcements later. It is used increase desired behaviors and decrease problem behaviors. In order for this system to be successful the behaviors that are rewarded must be observable, measurable, and stated specifically. The tokens that are distributed should be easy to count and are meant to be collected until students have enough to exchange for the back-up reinforcers that they want. Back-up reinforcers should be attractive and chosen based on what would motivate your students.
In my classroom my targeted behaviors would go along with my classroom rules as well as a few others that I think deserve rewards. They include the following: Being kind and considerate of others, turning in assignments on time, Staying in their seats, and raising their hand. At first, tokens will be given out frequently and behaviors will be recognized and rewarded immediately each time. Once the behaviors are learned the tokens will be given out less frequently. My back-up reinforcements will have a set cost and the more attractive reinforcements will cost more, such as homework passes and free time. The reinforcers that will contribute to the development of skills should cost less. These may include using a favorite technology to work on skills during silent reading.
After my behaviors are assigned with their monetary value and my back-up reinforcements are chosen with their set price, then I would construct a reinforcement schedule. A reinforcement schedule determines the frequency of dispensing tokens and exchanging tokens. The tokens will be given out each day. I have several ideas about how to do this. I can mark on the board, or assign "piggy banks" that I can deposit tokens into without disrupting class. Although, I do want my students to know what they are receiving the tokens for, especially once they become less frequent. I have "Good News!" slips that I could attach to tokens which would state the behavior. For example: "Good News!" "You are a great helper, thank you for helping Cindy with multiplication problems!" In addition to deciding when to give out tokens, I will have to decide when to allow exchanging the tokens for the prizes. If exchanges took place daily at a certain time, then students will have plenty of opportunities to decide when or what they spend their tokens. I think daily is the most useful way to allow exchanges because it gives students more opportunity to use the tokens when they feel it is necessary.
As I evaluate my Token Economy system I will gather information about its effectiveness. How well are my reinforcements working to motivate students? What are they enjoying the most? Have my problem behaviors changed? If any changes are made to the system then the transitions will be smooth because of consistency of stating behaviors and rewarding behaviors
My name is Michelle Ward, I am Junior at the University of South Alabama. I am working on my Bachelors degree in Elementary Education. I love learning and I think that you should learn something new everyday. As much as I love being a student, I love being a teacher even more. Teaching gives me a daily opportunity to learn and laugh with children. I believe that the aim of education is to enable a continued capacity for growth. By awakening a natural curiosity found in young minds to help them discover new things, including finding out that learning is fun.
My Teaching Philosophy